Best Safety Razor for Women: Top 6 Choices for Smooth Skin

In the last few years, safety razors have made a comeback — for men and women. That’s because the word has spread that cartridge razors have significant flaws. For one, they irritate your skin. Also, the cost of those replacement heads adds up fast.

The fact is a single-blade safety razor doesn’t increase irritation but reduces it. I know this seems outlandish. But the three or four blades of a multi-blade cartridge end up cutting under your skin. That’s why you’ve noticed razor burn and ingrown hairs on your arms and legs.

Even better, a pack of safety razors lasts twice as long as cartridges, saving you money. And all safety razor blades fit all handles, so you don’t have to buy a specific type as you do with cartridge razors.

I believe every woman should know how to wield these easy to use products. Below, I detail my favorite safety razors for women and offer some practical tips to get started.

Table Of Contents

Women’s Safety Razor Comparison

Name & BrandLengthWeightFeaturesPrice
Weishi Elegant Safety Razor4.45 "88 gButterfly Open Check Price
Zomchi Double Edge Razor4.09 "93 gDouble Edge Check Price
Edwin Jagger Heather Razor3.8 "N/ADouble Edge Check Price
Parker Woman's Safety Razor4.4 "82 gButterfly Open Check Price
Parker Double Edge Razor4.4 "82 gDouble Edge Check Price
Parker 63C Ultra Safety Razor3.75 "96 g Double Edge Check Price

The Top 6 Safety Razors for Women Reviews

Weishi Elegant Rainbow Color Butterfly Safety Razor

Weishi has been around for at least a decade. They specialize in fabricating some of the most famous Gillette safety razors at a lower cost. This means you can get one of the highest-rated razors for a fraction of the price.

Weishi Elegant Double Edge Safety Reusable Razor

The Weishi Elegant Rainbow Color Butterfly Safety Razor is essentially a reproduction of the Gillette Flair Tip Super Speed, one of my all-time favorite handles. This is a closed bar razor. That means a metal bar juts out further than the blade, softening the aggressiveness and saving your fingers from slicing against the edge.

Closed bar razors are great for beginners. You can’t angle the razor too far and irritate your legs and underarms. For added safety and convenience, the Weishi Elegant Safety Razor opens butterfly-style. By twisting the knob at the bottom of the handle, the top of the razor opens. This way, you simply grab the dull edges of the razor, lift, and replace. Butterfly safety razors are a favorite of mine, which is one of the reasons this product sits at number one.

Another reason I love this razor is its chromatic coloring. The Weishi will stand out on any woman’s wardrobe or vanity. The pictures really do no justice for this product. The multicolored handle and safety top shimmer in the light like a fish scale. This is a forged coloring, and won’t wear off with daily use.

Get Weishi Safety Razor at Amazon

When Weishi reproduced the Flair Tip, they cut out some of the weight. This razor is very light, which could be a flaw for some consumers. For beginners, it’s not a problem. With just the slightest pressure, this razor shaves smoothly and leaves no irritation. One pass with a new blade and you can move on to another strip of your leg or bikini line. For women with safety razor experience, the lightness may cause you to press too hard. After a few attempts, I’m sure you’ll adjust.

The Weishi Elegant Rainbow Color Butterfly Safety Razor ships with five Weishi blades and a petite travel case. Weishi blades cut sharp for a few shaves, but I find they dull faster than average. So when purchasing your Weishi, buy a few packs of your favorite blades.

This is a fantastic beginner’s safety razor. It boasts a mild shaving experience, closed bar design, and butterfly action for fast and knick-free reloading. Highly recommended.

Zomchi Double Edge Safety Razor for Women

Zomchi uses ethically sourced metals and other materials for the manufacturing of their safety razors and packaging. But this isn’t the only reason to love this budget brand.

ZOMCHI Double Edge Safety Razor for Women

The Double Edge Safety Razor for Women by Zomchi is a three-piece device in either rose gold or matte black. For this review, I used the rose gold. It’s a vibrant shade of gold. The plating should last you years without wearing off, even with daily shaving. The closed bar bottom piece is thick and offers lots of protection.

This three-piece razor rates on the mild end of the shaving spectrum. The scalloped inlay on the closed bottom bar helps to direct shaving cream away from the blade and down into the exit slot. The stainless-steel design has just enough weight for a light touch. You won’t need to press hard at all with this razor. That means shaving those hard to reach spots on your bikini line can be done within one pass.

Loading the Zomchi three-piece razor is a simple affair. By unscrewing the bottom of the handle, the mechanism inside disengages the head. Then you just open the head into its two parts, plop the razor into the garbage, and load another one. You can do this without touching the edges of the blade, saving your fingers from possible mishaps!

Get Zomchi Safety Razor at Amazon

The notched grip on the Zomchi’s handle stops you from dropping it in the shower. For those of you with butterfingers, note that three-piece safety razors rank as the most durable. The moving parts of this razor are well protected, and with the proper care and maintenance, you’ll have this razor for years.

What I also love about this razor is that you can adjust the aggressiveness. By tightening the bottom knob, the razor will splay out, which reveals more of the edge. With proper practice, you can boost the longevity of your blade by a few weeks, saving you even more money versus a cartridge razor.

As my number two pick, the Zomchi Double Edge Safety Razor excels as a budget shaving tool. The three-piece system is my favorite loading style, and the closed bar design will save a beginner’s fingers. The included razors aren’t too bad, either, which is rare for safety razors in this price range. I believe the Zomchi is the best option for women that worry about irritation.

Edwin Jagger Heather Double Edge Safety Razor

Edwin Jagger began in 1988 with one purpose: redefine the grooming experience. To this day, the Jagger family runs the company. That unique level of personality permeates their products, including their safety razors.

Edwin Jagger Double Edge Safety Razor

While Edwin Jagger’s classic DE8 Safety Razor was initially invented to upgrade a man’s shave, the experience translates very well to women. That’s why Edwin Jagger features this Heather version as its woman’s edition safety razor.

The company installed an extra-long handle on the Heather. The razor measures four inches. It’s a great pick for anyone with long legs yet wishes to stay seated in the bathroom while shaving. Edwin Jagger classifies this as a closed comb razor, but it’s truly a scalloped closed bar. That might sound like I’m picking hairs, but there’s a difference. This razor is, in fact, milder than a traditional closed comb, which is perfect for women who want to shave their legs without worrying about irritation or ingrown hairs.

You can’t tell in the photos, but the handle features a pearlescent sheen that’s appealing to the eye. In a white bathroom or resting on the edge of a porcelain tub, this razor pops. Combined with the chrome head, you’re in for one of the best-looking razors on my list.

I love the build quality of the Heather. Edwin Jagger manufactures their razors out of their Sheffield, England factory. This is a handcrafted piece with chrome plating and the classic Edwin Jagger signature on the handle’s collar.

To load and unlock the device, this razor works exactly like the Zomchi. You unscrew the notched bottom knob until you hear the latch unclasp. Then you tip the razor on its head and the two pieces slip off the handle. Loading a three-piece razor is very simple. This classic design has been used since the early 1900s because it works.

The Edwin Jagger Heather DE Safety Razor fits all universal razor blades. I like that Edwin Jagger includes five extra sharp Derby blades in the package. Derby stands as one of the leading blade makers in the UK. My only complaint with the Heather is that it can be slippery, especially if you love silky smooth shaving creams. Make sure to have a towel on hand to wipe off the excess or you’ll be rooting for this razor in the tub.

Parker 29L Long Handle Woman’s Butterfly Open Safety Razor

Parker Safety Razor has manufactured handmade razors and razor supplies since 1970. This is a family run business that relies on customer feedback and support to usher in their newest products.

Parker 29L Long Handle Woman's Butterfly Open Safety Razor

With the Parker 29L, the company wanted to create something unique for women tired of cartridge razors and epilators. The 29L features female-specific touches, starting with the handle This is an extra-long handle, almost half an inch longer than average. This makes it perfect for shaving legs and armpits or anywhere that’s hard to reach.

I love the enamel-coated lavender-pink handle. It’s just heavy enough to feel weighed down in your hand. The notched design prevents slips and spills, so shaving in the tub with the 29L won’t be an issue. Parker forged the base of the razor from solid brass. The durability of this product is matched only by razors twice the price. Then the company encased the entire razor in chrome for effortless cleaning and upkeep. It won’t rust. If kept dry and well-greased, I can see this device lasting you years.

The Parker 29L Woman’s Safety Razor loads butterfly-style. By twisting the bottom knob, two doors swing open and reveal the blade housing. Butterfly safety razors boast the easiest install and replacing of disposable blades. You don’t have to bring your fingers anywhere near the sharp blade to take it out or add another.

This is a closed bar device, which means a standard bar rims the bottom of the blade’s housing. The bar protects your fingers and stops you from shaving too aggressively at the wrong angle. First-time wet shavers love closed bar safety razors because they’re easy on your skin.

The Parker 29L Long Handle Woman’s Butterfly Safety Razor ships with 5 Parker blades. As a leader in the safety razor industry, it’s no surprise to me that their blades are sharp and long-lasting. My only peeve with the 29L is that the outside edge of the razor head is a little sharp, so only shave in straight lines. Overall, this is one of my personal favorites, and I highly recommend it to women that want to begin shaving with a safety razor.

Parker Double Edge Safety Razor

Parker Safety Razor sports one of the most impressive collections of razors on the internet. I’ve used just about all of them, and I couldn’t help but add a few more to the tail end of my best-of list.

Parker 29L Long Handle Women's Double Edge Safety Razor

The Parker Safety Razor with Ebony Handle is a double-edged safety razor with a scalloped closed comb head. I enjoyed my time with the razor because of its robust and heavy handle and three-piece loading feature. The handle measures four inches, which puts it into the long category of safety razors. I think it’s a great pick for legs and armpits.

The ebony handle is wider and thicker than most shavers. It’s a callback design to the early days of safety razors. While slippery, I found the wide handle easier to hold. For women with butterfingers in the bathroom, you’ll love shaving with this razor.

You’ll master loading the Parker Safety Razor within minutes. By unscrewing the top, the head separates into two pieces. I like to place the top of the head on the sink countertop, then lift off the old blade and replace it with a new one. Just be careful not to snag your fingers on the edge of the razor. I recommend unscrewing the product with a towel.

I’d rate the shaving experience as mild. The bottom safety bar extends far beyond the top of the head. It leaves just enough razor exposed for a close shave. This is an ideal product for a beginner, and one of the classiest razors I’ve enjoyed. It’d look great sitting atop a white bathroom sink. Like all Parker razors, this one comes with a 5-pack of their premium blades.

Parker 63C Rose Gold Three-Piece Ultra

Last on my list, I chose a new favorite from Parker Safety Razor. Until now, I’ve favored the mild end of the shaving spectrum. But the Rose Gold Three-Piece is an open comb product that’s ideal for those with thick and coarse hair.

Parker 63C Safety Razor

The 63C in Rose Gold by Parker Safety Razor ships with a regular length handle. The model measures three-and three-quarter inches total, a perfect all-around product. Holding it in my hand, it feels heavier than other razors on my list. That’s because of its solid brass construction. Parker handcrafts every razor in their England factory, which adds to the heft and detail of the product.

With a thick chrome finish, you get a razor that won’t rust prematurely. As the only open-comb safety razor on my list, you enjoy a faster and more aggressive shave. I think it’s ideal for women with very thick hair or that don’t shave often. Just be warned that open comb razors lack the added safety feature of a closed comb. That’s because instead of a bar across the bottom of the head, Parker installed teeth. These metal teeth comb through shaving cream and bring the blade closer to your skin.

The additional layer of rose gold plating glimmers, especially in a bathroom with bright white light. I’d want one of these simply for the look, let alone it’s precise shaving ability. This is a three-piece razor, which means you twist off the head and open it to replace the blade. I’d rank this as slightly harder to load than a butterfly-style razor.

So while the learning curve may seem steeper, the result is a closer shave. Also, I found the head of this shaver a little heavier than normal, so don’t press too hard as you shave. The product ships with a 5-pack of Parker blades.

What to Know Before Choosing the Best Safety Razor for Women

Picking the best safety razor for you might seem simple, but there are a few noteworthy features you need to understand before choosing a product. Below, I explain the seven things that’ll make your choice much easier.

What to Know Before Choosing the Best Safety Razor for Women

  • The Loading Style

Safety Razors come in three primary loading styles: two-piece, three-piece, and butterfly. Each style has unique advantages. The two-piece is the sturdiest and the three-piece offers a chance to tune the aggressiveness of the shave. For beginners, I usually recommend the butterfly. It loads the easiest and you’re least likely to cut yourself.

  • Safety Razor Weight

Although safety razors can look alike, the materials with which they’re built alter their weight. This may seem trivial, but even half an ounce can change your relationship to the product. As you gain experience with razors, you’ll find the weight that fits best with you. To begin, I’d suggest a lighter razor. You’re less likely to push too hard and scrape your skin.

  • Length of Handle

Depending on where you shave, the length of the handle matters. Handles ship in small, regular, and large. For leg shaving, a longer handle works best. That’s because you can reach your ankles without leaning over too far. Some women prefer a short handle. These razors are easier to maneuver, perfect for armpits and bikini lines.

  • Aggressive vs Mild

All safety razors sit on a scale from mild to aggressive. Mild razors reveal less of the blade between the head and the bottom bar or comb. This means you can’t press too hard and damage your skin. I recommend mild razors for beginners because they forgive the wrong angle and pressure. Consumers that like aggressive razors usually have thicker hair or more hair.

  • Closed Comb, Bar, and Open Comb

Your new safety razor will either be closed comb, closed bar, or open comb. Each style boasts a slightly different shaving experience. A closed comb sheds an average amount of shaving cream, so it’s a medium-speed razor. Closed bar is the safest, but also the slowest. And an open comb usually shaves the most aggressively. It’s also the fastest.

  • Razor Blade Packs

One of the main accessories of safety razors are blades. They come in packs of five, ten, and fifteen. You can spend days researching razor blades, but I think the best way to learn about them is by using them. The best part about razor blades is that even the premium ones won’t cost you much more than a Starbucks. So pick a few and try them out and find the ones you love.

  • Extras with Purchase

Some of the razors on my list ship with carrying cases and razor blades. Before you make your safety razor purchase, look over any extras that come with the product. The razor blades that ship with the budget shaving tools will usually pale in comparison to the pricier brands. As such, you should invest in some blades before shaving.

Shaving with a Women’s Safety Razor – Step by Step Guide

While you could just open your new safety razor, load a blade, and figure out how to shave for yourself, a little lesson can go a long way. Here, I offer you my quick and easy method for shaving with a women’s safety razor.

Step 1: Pre-Soak Your Skin

Step 1- Pre-Soak Your Skin

The secret to a baby-smooth shave begins with the pre-soak. When shaving your legs, this is done in the shower or bathtub. Simply let the warm water run on your legs for a few minutes. You can spend this time washing or daydreaming. Once you feel your skin has warmed up, you can move to step 2.

Step 2: Rustle Up a Lather

Step 2- Rustle Up a Lather

If supple skin is the bread of a great shave, then the lather is the butter. You want a rich creamy lather. Everyone has their habits. I like a thick lather but if your shaving cream contains lubricants you can use less. Just make sure your entire shaving surface has been coated before shaving.

Step 3: Hold Razor at 30 Degrees

Step 3- Hold Razor at 30 Degrees

To shave with a safety razor, you need to hold it at 30 degrees to your skin. The foolproof method to achieve this oddly precise number is to place the razor’s head flush with your skin, and then push it down towards you. As you do this, move the blade with the grain. Soon, you’ll hear the satisfying scrape of your first shave.

Step 4: Shave with the Grain

Step 4- Shave with the Grain

For our first pass, you’re going to want to shave with the grain. Unless you have very fine hair, shaving against the grain will irritate your skin. Do at least one full round with the grain before continuing to step 5.

Step 5: Shave Against the Grain

Step 5- Shave Against the Grain 

For those nights in and Wednesday touch-ups, the one-pass shaving with the grain should be enough. But on the occasional Friday night dates or special events, you can re-lather and do another round against the grain. The second pass against the grain cuts down your hair to the barest of lengths and ensures you’ve got silky smooth skin.

Step 6: Rinse-Off and Final Check

Step 6- Rinse-Off and Final Check

Rinse off your safety razor in cool water and place it aside. With your hands, feel around for any missed spots. After your first few shaves, don’t be discouraged if you notice some hairs. They’ll crop up on hard to shave areas, such as your ankle bones.

Step 7: Apply Post-Shave Cream

Step 7- Apply Post-Shave Cream

Have a bottle of your favorite post-shave cream handy. After the shave, apply a small amount to your legs or armpits. Just enough to protect the skin and soothe any sensitivity. I recommend spreading the shaves out at least by a few days, upwards of a week so your skin has time to heal.

How to Clean and Maintain your Safety Razor

There are few pains as deeply felt as a safety razor rusted beyond repair. These simple tools may seem unbreakable, but with enough neglect, they’ll be trashcan fodder. So follow my basic maintenance advice for a shaving tool that lasts as long as you do.

How to Clean and Maintain your Safety Razor

If you only remember one thing from this section, remember to dry your razor thoroughly. The chrome plating and stainless steel can’t ward off the effects of time. A wet razor will slowly yet assuredly rust. To prevent this disaster, you’ll need to spend a few minutes post-shave to dry your razor.

Some safety razors dry easier than others. And when you’re in a rush, you can leave your razor to dry on the bathroom vanity. But at least once a week, you must disassemble your razor and dab the inside of the head and throat with a towel.

For me, a butterfly razor is the hardest to keep dry. That’s because the inner mechanism can shelter a few drops of water and cause premature rust. What I like to do is open the butterfly doors, unload the razor blade, and then sit the tool upside down on a towel. This will ensure proper ventilation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I shave with a safety razor if I have sensitive skin?

Yes. In fact, a safety razor is better for sensitive skin than a cartridge razor. That’s because you’re shaving with one blade instead of three. Because of the angle of cartridge razors, the second and third blades cut hair below your skin. They also scrape against your skin. This is what causes so many women irritation! A safety razor is far less likely to do this because one blade is all that’s passing over your skin.

Can I use a safety razor under my arms and on my legs?

Safety razors are ideal for shaving legs and armpits. That’s because they offer a mild shaving experience and the single blade is far less likely to irritate. We recommend practicing on your legs first before trying your armpits. Once you’re comfortable with the angle required to shave effectively, you’ll be ready to shave under your arms.

Are safety razors okay for bikini lines?

The best thing about a safety razor is that it can be used on any part of your body. A safety razor’s closed bar guard stops the razor from shaving at a harsh angle. This means with very little practice you’ll know the ideal way to shave your bikini line. Check out tips above on how to shave properly with a safety razor before attempting.

When should I swap out my safety razor blade?

There’s no one answer to blade replacement. Usually, it depends on how often you shave and how dry you keep your blade. On average, two weeks seems to be the perfect time to replace your blade. Remember, you can flip your blade upside down to add some extra life to your blade. Also, a better blade will last longer than an inexpensive one, so buy a good brand, such a Derby.

Should I shave with a safety razor wet or dry?

Safety razors must be used with shaving cream or lather and water. They call this wet shaving for a reason! You need the lubrication provided by a good lather so the blade cuts true and doesn’t scrap against your skin. I recommend trying a few shaving creams before landing on a favorite. Often, the right blade and razor is only as good as the cream between it and your skin.

Can beginners use a safety razor?

Yes! I believe that a safety razor suits a beginner far better than a cartridge razor because they damage your skin less and last longer. Modern razor companies have convinced customers that the best way to shave involves a plastic handle and three to six blades. Learning how to shave with a safety razor requires one to two sessions. After that, you’ll shave like a pro.

Can I lend my safety razor to friends or family?

You can share the handle but never share the blade. While you may not see any blood, the possibility that you nick some skin is always possible. Even microscopic blood traces shared between you and a friend or stranger can lead to serious diseases. So before you hand over your razor to someone else, switch out the blade for a fresh one. That way, you keep yourself protected.

My Verdict

Don’t believe the hype — cartridge razors aren’t the best way to shave. Join the growing legion of satisfied customers that have learned to shave with safety razors. These well-built tools last you a lifetime, and each one offers you a unique experience. The best part? Safety razors are less likely to cause irritation and razor burn.

My list of picks for the best safety razor for women has something for all skin types and levels of expertise. Make sure to check out my tips for shaving with a razor, frequently asked questions, and advice for buying. That way, you’ll choose the best product for you the first time.

After testing all the razors on my list, I think my top pick still stands: The Weishi Elegant Razor. This vibrant product combines affordability with beauty and performance. Check it out!

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